Smell Exercises For Your Dog… Develop To Its Full Potential!

Smell exercises for your dog... develop its full potential!

It is known that the sense of smell is the main thing in dogs, it is used so that they can orient themselves and recognize their surroundings, all through the smell. It works from the very first moment of life, unlike vision and hearing, which need one and two weeks to start up to their full potential. As for us humans, the main sense is vision, we tend to give our dogs exercises vision and pursuit (such as catching the ball).

However, rarely exercises that consist of exercising the dogs’ best tool are offered. For this reason, here are some smell exercises for your dog.

What are the advantages of smell exercises?

Como brincar utilizando o olfato?

Sight games, such as capture and delivery, focus on chasing and physical exercise.

These games are not bad, if they alternate with others, but if they are excessive, you can create an obsession with the ball and give rise to less sociable, possessive or demanding dogs with their owner.

However, games of smell present dogs with new challenges and motivate them to focus all their interests on smell.

These exercises tire them mentally and cause satisfaction for the work done. They are also not as stressful as chasing or exercising, yet it is not convenient to overdo these games and games.

What smell exercises can I do with my dog?

Como fazer exercícios para o olfato?

If you want your pet to learn to look, from smell exercises, start by holding your dog and throwing an object, which he knows to smell (could be some food or one of his favorite toys) .

The object must be thrown in front of him for him to see. Then you must release the dog and say, “Search”, or another command you wish to use. This step must be associated with the word “search” and with the action of going after the object.

Once your pet has internalized this command, the next step is to hide the object, so your dog can see how you do it. Then you will need to release the dog by repeating the search command.

This time he won’t see the object, but he saw how you hid it and he will look for it. This step is for your little friend to associate the word with the action of finding the object.

Now repeat this exercise to perfection, the next step is to remove the dog from the place and hide the object where he can find it, but where he cannot see it.

You will then have to bring your pet back to the location and repeat the word “search”. This time, the command is used for him to find his toy or anything else, guided only by his sense of smell.

When you want to implement the game, you can hide the object in more difficult places or even hide other objects.

At the end of each session you should always reward your dog warmly, each time he finds the latest hidden object.

A good prize will result in enthusiastic motivation for the next time you play or play together.

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