The Best Food For Dogs With Sensitive Skin

The best food for dogs with sensitive skin

Like humans, dogs can also have more delicate skin. When a canine has a certain intolerance to an agent, internal or external, it is necessary to find out what the cause is, especially if it has sensitive skin.

The most common factor responsible for the appearance of this type of situation is usually allergy. When an animal cannot tolerate or has some kind of discomfort after consuming a food, symptoms can be noticed immediately.

Food Allergy Symptoms


  • skin rash
  • Itch
  • Dry or peeling skin
  • Excessive hair loss, with the appearance of bare skin areas
  • Dull coat

Generally, these allergies are caused by food consumed by animals. It is very important to find out which substance is responsible for the symptoms. The veterinarian will help us with this task, requesting a list of everything the dog ingested in the days prior to the appointment.

Prevention and treatment

Through a healthier diet, symptoms disappear more easily. A judicious diet will also help in the proper functioning of the body and an improvement in the quality of life of the pet. The least processed foods are often the healthiest.

Foods best suited for dogs with sensitive skin

  • Fatty acids. The food must contain omega 6 and 3 oils extracted from fish and seafood.
  • The simpler your content, the better. The best thing is to choose a food that contains only one protein source and one carbohydrate source.
  • Vitamins and nutrients responsible for healthier skin and coat.
  • It doesn’t matter the presentation of the food. Always try to take into consideration the items mentioned above so that it contains all the necessary nutrients.

veterinary diet

See a veterinarian immediately if your dog’s symptoms are very severe and persist for a considerable time. These are signs of a more serious illness.

In general, in cases of allergy, the specialist prepares a strict diet for the dog, eliminating foods that are less likely to cause problems. The regimen lasts for approximately 8 months, the time needed to obtain the expected results. After 10 weeks, it is possible to notice the disappearance of symptoms.

Once the diet is established, we must be careful with what we let our dog eat, as the foods must be integrated into his diet little by little. The veterinarian can help us with this process, which is often quite effective.

The effect of parasites

It is also very important to check that the animal does not have parasites, fleas or ticks, as they can be the cause of symptoms, or if the skin is not sensitive due to poor diet or allergies. The skin must always be clean to avoid possible contamination.

different races

Some breeds are more likely to suffer from sensitive skin than others. Wrinkled-skinned dogs, such as sharpei, often develop this type of condition. Special attention to dogs with short fur, as their fur is more exposed.

It is important to remember that the appearance of the pathologies we mentioned may not be an indication of a new disease or an allergy, but of a nutrient deficiency. In these cases, a simple change in the animal’s diet, for a healthier and more balanced one, is the solution.

Products like dairy, cereals and corn are often the biggest causers of problems, as they tend NOT to react well with the skin on our pets’ bodies.

Other Important Concerns with Sensitive Skin Dogs

In the case of pets with increased skin sensitivity, other concerns need to be had.

  • Avoid taking them to the beach. The strong summer sun can be very aggressive to your body.
  • Increase your exercise routine. Physical activity is essential and is of great help in these cases.
  • Offer quality foods for the furry and, if possible, recommended for your skin type.

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