The Nobility Of Dogs

the nobility of dogs

We’ve talked to you on many occasions about empathy for dogs, how they are always aware of what we feel and willing to give us a friendly “paw” to make us feel better or to help us. But this is not the only quality of these animals that are our friends, although it is one of the most outstanding. So today we’re going to talk about the nobility of dogs.

H oday want to play in another intrinsic quality in dogs: the nobility. No, we won’t tell you about a story with castles and dragons, or princesses and maidens. We will talk about a beautiful quality that our little friends have innately. Do you know what nobility is?

What is nobility?

nobility of dogs

Nobility is the most outstanding quality in people with greatness of spirit and who are highly generous. His most outstanding actions are humility and generosity.

It could be said that nobility makes the person, or in this case the animal, affectionate and compassionate with a great personal interest in others and always trying to help or do good so that others feel good.

It is a quality that is somewhat related to empathy, as it is difficult for a person who is not noble to show empathy.

What do you think of the definition of nobility? Do you think she is something that characterizes dogs?

How the nobility of dogs is demonstrated

They say that the dog is the most faithful animal there is. Why? They won this title because they are always by your side, no matter what your mood is, every time they give you a hand, or rather they give you a paw, and even try to make you laugh when they see you sad .

They accompany us until their last day, without conditions, without asking for anything in return. They love unconditionally and without limits. Anyone who has a dog can tell how special they are.

Examples of the nobility of dogs

There were many dogs that demonstrated boundless nobility and incredible unconditional love. Next, we will recall these intimate moments.

nobility of dogs

  • Hachiko. Yes, we already know that we always take him as an example, but how to leave him out? His story went around the world through a movie with his name and it was no wonder. He remained for several years waiting for his owner, who had already died, in a train station, this is proof of infinite nobility.
  • Cinnamon. This cinnamon colored dog, from Cádiz, Spain, was its owner’s faithful companion in the hospital, day after day, while you were on hemodialysis, until you died. The dog remained at the hospital door for twelve years, waiting for him. Today, there is a street named after him that will keep the memory and its great nobility alive, forever.
  • Gaucho. This dog, from Uruguay, traveled 50 kilometers to the hospital where its owner was hospitalized. He remained by his side, as the doctors could do nothing to get him out of the place. He didn’t press a button to call a nurse, Gaucho screamed when his owner felt bad. When the owner died, he remained under the tomb, howling in a heartrending way. Wordless…
  • Alicio. This dog from Argentina is until today, since 2010, at the hospital door waiting for its owner.
  • Orion. This big dog saved more than 37 people in a flood in Argentina. He acted knowing his life was in danger, but he didn’t care. And that’s why he became a hero, despite his Rotweiller race being much criticized in the country.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more that demonstrate and leave no room for doubt about the nobility of dogs and other beautiful qualities that our animals have. And you, do you know any stories? We would love for you to tell us.

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