What To Do When A Cat Attacks Frequently?

Discomfort, stress and personality are some of the reasons a cat attacks, although you have to set limits and educate him to avoid aggression.
What to do when a cat attacks frequently?

Cats, in general, have a reputation for being quarrelsome and even aggressive. However, under the right conditions, these cats can be sweet, playful, and very loyal pets. Therefore, when a cat attacks, it’s worth trying to figure out what are the factors that stress him and lead him to develop this behavior.

Reasons why a cat attacks

Generally, a cat, like most animals, does not develop violent behavior if it is not necessary. For that reason, and in this particular case, when a cat attacks it is for certain reasons or situations. Below we’ll look at some of the most common reasons:


One of the main reasons a cat attacks is due to discomfort or illness. On many occasions, when the animal feels bad, defensiveness is needed to avoid being touched and disturbed. In these cases, of course, it is advisable to take him to the vet as soon as possible.

the stress 

There are several situations that can cause stress in a cat: a transition, abrupt changes in his daily routine, jealousy, among others. It is advisable, as far as possible, to prevent the animal from going through this type of change and, if necessary, to help it to adapt little by little.


Personality is also a key factor. In that sense, there are many cats who just don’t like physical contact as much. This usually occurs when we adopt an adult cat that has had to lead a very tough life on the streets.

Reasons why a cat attacks

The most important thing in these cases is to respect the animal’s limits and, when it feels comfortable and wants a caress, it will inform you with different types of gestures.


It can also happen that, between games, the cat accidentally hurts its owners or other people. These types of problems are more common in kittens because they don’t know how to measure their strength very well.

The solution to this is to teach him that a person is not prey, especially his hands. For this, it is recommended to buy some toys and always respect the animal’s space.

Setting limits on the cat that attacks

When a cat is aggressive, it is essential to determine the cause and, based on that, take the necessary corrective measures. For example, if he shows inappropriate behavior during play, you will need to set limits: don’t allow him to bite and scratch, especially in the face area.

Raising this animal won’t be easy, but with a little patience, it’s possible. To do this, you can go to the vet and describe not only the cat’s behavior, but also the cat’s personality and what you believe is causing its aggression.

Setting limits for cats

Other aspects that should be considered are: age at which the attacks started, in which situations they occur or increase, the intensity, the cat’s expression and the position of the ears at the time of the attack, the sounds the cat makes, among others.

How to help an attacking cat?

At home, you can make small changes to help your cat overcome these situations. Of course, it is important for the owner to seek help if the aggression is very intense and does not decrease, as it can be dangerous for family members.

Below, we’ll look at some useful tips for dealing with these cases:

  • The moment aggression occurs, express yourself in an exaggerated way.
  • Don’t punish the cat. Punishments in general, but especially corporal punishment, do not work well with felines; on the contrary, they stress them even more and make them more aggressive.
  • Avoid aggressive play.
  • Respect the animal’s space at all times.
  • Learn to read his body language and sounds, so avoid touching him if he is uncomfortable with it.
  • Adopt another cat, preferably the same age. That way, they’ll have each other to play hunting games together and won’t burden the humans so much in this regard.
  • When an aggression occurs, move the animal to another room and leave it there for several minutes. Repeat this action every time the aggression occurs.

    Cats can make wonderful, loving, and extremely loyal pets. However, sometimes they can attack and become aggressive.

    The important thing is to look for information, determine the source of the stress and take the necessary measures, even if it is necessary to seek outside professional help. With a little patience and affection, you can observe the changes in the cat’s behavior.

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