Which Pets Do Not Cause Allergies

For those who cannot have certain pets because of allergies, there are a number of interesting specimens to consider.
Which Pets Don't Cause Allergies

We finally  decided to adopt a pet, but there are family members who have allergies  and it’s becoming difficult for us to choose. Want to know which pets don’t cause allergies? Well, check out this list we created for you.

These pets do not cause allergies

As a general rule, the pets that cause the most allergies are cats, but even within this species  there are some that do not cause allergies to people. The same happens in the case of birds. We’ll tell you which ones are best to have at home, as these pets don’t cause allergies:

devon rex cat

You may remember we told you about this  cat  – photo that opens this article – with pointed ears, bulging eyes and short fur. The peculiarity of their fur is that they are so close to the skin that it is almost impossible to separate them.

People who are allergic to cats are not allergic to the animal itself, but to the mixture of hair and saliva,  which mix when licking. When these hairs begin to spread around the house, sneezing and discomfort appear.


And if you don’t dare adopt a cat, you can start with a small rodent, like the  hamster. Of course,  firstmake sure you don’t have allergies to the particles that your hairs give off.  If you’ve spent a few hours with one without any problems, it might be the ideal pet for you.

Russian hamster

However, remember that most of the time he should be in his cage, because that’s where he finds his toys. This animal suffers from boredom and may insist on eating some of its most precious furniture or belongings.


If you like furry pets but have allergies, that doesn’t mean you have to give them up. There are few cases of allergy to rabbits that are known,  and even rabbits have them as pets without major problems.

toy rabbit

Having a rabbit can be a lot of fun, especially if you spend some time teaching him a few things. In that sense, he can look a lot like a dog! He will come when you call him (if you get him out of the cage), will resent you if you scold him, and will look for your affection all the time. And no allergies!


The poodle is one of the few breeds that has never caused allergies or anything similar. It seems that  their fur, which never falls out but must be cut to eliminate the knots, is not dangerous for allergy sufferers.

They are very friendly and playful animals that will always be demanding your attention and affection, so that you can enjoy living with one of them. Of course,  almost everyone has vision problems when they get older, will you take care of that?


If you love animals, and want to have a few at home, but have allergies, then fish are ideal. You’ll enjoy its elegant movements and multicolored beauty, without having to worry about sneezing, watering or puffiness in your eyes.

colorful fish

sphynx cat

This breed is one that few people like because they have no fur. But  what better cat than a hairless one for those with pet allergies? Well, if you are one of those who likes the different and original and, besides, you don’t want to give up on having a cat because you love it, this is the friend you are looking for!

sphynx cat

Of course, we have to tell you that  your skin needs daily care, because you have to keep it hydrated at all times. Also your ears, as they do not have the protection of the hair, will have to be cleaned frequently and with determination, but with gentleness.


If you want to adopt a pet, no matter what it is, maybe a snake, an  iguana  or any other reptile is right for you. You might also  think about frogs or turtles. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to have a pet at home, right?

yellow snake

As we have seen, these pets do not cause allergies, so choose what you choose, you can live with them without problems and without giving up your love for animals and your desire to have one at home. So, do you already know which one you want?

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