Why Does Your Dog Prefer One Toy Over Another?

Why does your dog prefer one toy over another?

Again, the same thing happened to you. You came home thrilled to give your dog a new toy. After seeing him in a shop window, he couldn’t resist. He sees it, watches, sniffs it, and leaves in search of the tattered, dirty stuffed animal he’s had for a long time. You can’t understand it! Why does a dog prefer one toy over another? Let’s give the answer to that question!

In addition to telling you why your dog prefers one toy over another, we’ll tell you what to do so that the toys you buy or make are to his liking. What we don’t do to make our little friends happy!

What toys do dogs prefer to have

Dogs, as descendants of wolves, have inherited many of their tendencies. Therefore, toys are for them a form of entertainment, as are prey for wolves.

Wolves play and move prey from side to side before devouring it. Likewise, dogs play and carry their toy around. How does this influence your dog’s preference for one toy over another? Very simple, they are looking for small toys that they can easily break.

It should be soft, easy to handle and easy to carry around. And if you give off the smell of your food, even better!

Let’s take an example for you to understand. Imagine that your dog is addicted to this little old stuffed animal you gave your child as a gift. Your son has almost torn him apart, but he walks with him everywhere. One day, you decide to buy him one of those hard toys that help to strengthen his teeth and that you think he won’t be able to break easily.

Your dog ends up not being interested in the toy. The textures are totally different from what he’s used to feeling, and he doesn’t understand if it’s good for his teeth or not, so he rejects the toy.

What toys the dogs don’t like

Dogs generally don’t like hard toys that aren’t wrinkled and don’t make noise while he plays with them.

Your puppy prefers an old toy he already knows to one that has boring textures and shapes. Sure enough, he’ll come over when you give him the toy, and he’ll sniff and bite you nonstop.

However, before long your puppy will reject the toy.

What to do if your dog prefers one toy over another

If your dog’s toys are old and you want to buy him new toys but you’re afraid he’ll reject them, there’s only one thing to do: buy ones that are as similar to the old toys as possible.

Pay attention to the texture of the toy and whether it makes noise. You should choose toys that look like the old one, or make them yourself.

Author: Dirk Vorderstraße

If what you want is for him to change his toy, don’t take his favorite toy away from him and give him a new one as a gift, rotate the toys and occasionally disappear with the old toy so that he can play with the other. When you see that he has put aside his favorite toy and that he likes the new one, you can get rid of the old toy for good.

Don’t be discouraged if you see that it takes a little effort to get your pet used to the new toys. This is normal. If you’re persistent and don’t fold your arms, you’ll get good results.

Play is a fundamental part of your dog’s development, so it’s essential that he not only have toys that he loves but also help him to deal better with moments of solitude, but that you take some time to play with him as well.

Take the time and strive for your pet’s good. The relationship between the two of you will improve, as well as you will be able to strengthen the bonds between you both. No doubt your dog will be grateful for any simple gesture you make to see him happy.

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