Why Doesn’t My Dog ​​have Energy Like Before?

While there are times when this may be due to some kind of illness – hence periodic visits to the vet are advisable – at other times he may feel lethargic due to some circumstances that we must consider.

You can’t help but look at your dog with a certain nostalgia, remembering the times when he was a puppy, when he jumped and ran all over the place. Now he always seems calmer and spends a lot of time sleeping. Why doesn’t my dog ​​have energy like before?

My dog ​​has no energy, this could be…

There are several reasons why an animal might have less energy than usual, and that doesn’t mean that something serious is happening. Here are some of the reasons:

he is no longer a puppy

A dog’s childhood is usually long. In fact, even when the dog is over a year old, we still consider him a puppy, so his energy and desire to run, play, and move around seem intact. However, it is possible that, as in the case of mothers, we continue to see our dog as a puppy for longer.

The problem is  getting to a certain age, although the dog is not very old, and having less energy,  and although you want to go out and play with him, he is not the same as before. It is the process of life. You can get an idea of ​​your dog’s age by multiplying his years by seven. Then you will have an idea of ​​what stage of his life he is at.

My dog ​​has no energy: the season of the year

As in our case, the seasons also influence the dogs’ mood. Also, there are dogs that love the cold and others that love the heat. There are also those who feel the opposite. However,  especially in warm seasons, dogs feel more lethargic, wanting more sleep and less wanting to go out.

It goes without saying that in these seasons you should avoid taking your dog for a walk in the hottest hours of  heat  and that, even at other times of the day, you should always take water with you. Try to go out in the early hours of the morning and when it cools down in the evening.


This would be one of the most serious problems your dog has no energy for. If he’s always lying down, looking at you “out of the corner of his eye” and doesn’t want to  get out of his bed, if he doesn’t feel like going out or playing and doesn’t even seem to eat, he may be depressed.

Since certain things are effortless, don’t think it’s because it’s summer, or because he’s not a puppy anymore: go to the vet and ask what happens to your pet. If it’s nothing, all the better, but if it’s depression you can treat it right away.


An illness can also deplete your dog’s energy. It can be severe or simple gastroenteritis,  but as our pets can’t talk, they take refuge in their bed or in their favorite corner, waiting for it to pass.

As we always tell you, watching your pet is essential to know what happens to him at all times. Take your dog to the vet and you can help him with whatever is going on.


There comes a time in dogs’ lives, as well as ours, when  they age and a drastic change in health and appearance takes place. They have gradually developed arthritis, or any other disease that produces pain when walking or playing, and for that reason they are no longer anxious about these activities.

With age, strength also gradually decreases, so don’t be surprised if your dog doesn’t have as much energy as before.

My dog ​​doesn’t have energy like before?

Whatever the reasons your dog doesn’t have the same  energy as before, don’t worry, they’re just part of the life cycle. However, constantly watch your dog for any changes in his appearance or behavior.

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