Without You It Won’t Be The Same…

Without you it won't be the same...

Having a pet is a unique experience: that’s why, when we live, we want to repeat it again and again. However, when we adopt an animal, we are more or less aware that someday it will die, probably before we do. We know that we will have to say “without you it won’t be the same”.

We are not prepared for death, even though millions of people say it is a natural part of life. We are prepared to enjoy other natural things in life, such as the air, nature, seeing a baby born or enjoying the sunrise. But how can we prepare for something that makes us suffer?

Losing a pet is one of the worst misfortunes there is. And if he has some illness and we have to see daily how it is consuming him, we are heartbroken.

One of the best ways to face this pain is to remember the good times. It’s good to feel grateful for all that this little animal has done for us.

We try to reproduce the feelings of a person who is going through this or who has already been through this situation.

without you it won’t be the same

I look at you and I can’t help tears welling in my eyes, but I can’t help smiling either. I feel a strange mixture of feelings that won’t let me sleep. I loved watching you sleep. In fact, I’m still watching you, but only now, in pain.

I try to think of the good things, remembering when you first came to my house. Scared, you hid between my legs. He was so shy, tender and dependent! How not to love someone like you?

Over the months, over the years, you demonstrated your loyalty day by day. You never made me feel like someone could steal your love. He was always by my side, offering his affection when I needed it most.

Today, when I look at you, when I see you like this, weakened and consumed by this blessed disease that consumes you, I try to create in my head a puzzle of the wonderful memories that make me appreciate you, thank you and miss you, despite that you still haven’t left me.

I don’t know what my life will be without you, without you it won’t be the same thing. I know you want to see me happy, even weak as you are, keep trying to make me laugh. At sometimes even takes strength to play and see me happy. I know you don’t like to see me in pain, but I don’t like to see you in pain either.

Do not worry about me

So I just want to tell you not to worry about me. I’m fine, I’ll be fine, even if things won’t be the same without you. I just want to know if you’ll be calm in these last days of yours, if I’m doing everything right, if I’m taking care of you as you deserve…

I look at you, I watch you and I try to search your eyes for the answer the vet asked me for. He says you’re suffering a lot, that it’s better to end this suffering, but I don’t want to lose you. I can’t stop thinking “what if you recover?”.

I know this disease is consuming you,  I know there is no cure, but what if the miracles still exist? What if I say “yes” to the vet and there is a possibility? What happens if I make a mistake and lose the one I love the most because I want to get things done so fast? What if I don’t and prolong your suffering by making you miserable?

How I wish you could talk! How I wish you could help me make this difficult and painful decision! So I look into your eyes, thinking that without you it won’t be the same, but I’m trying to find the answer I need. Deep down, I already know, but I don’t want to surrender so easily, I don’t want to lose you. I can not!

No matter what happens, where you go or where I am, you were part of my life, my family, you were my great friend. And even though I know it won’t be the same without you, I’ll fight to be happy, as you always wanted me to do. Goodbye, my great friend. Thank you for everything, and don’t forget that you will always live in my heart, because our love and our friendship are and always will be eternal.

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