Your Cat’s Nine Favorite Things You Didn’t Know About

Is it frustrating to buy expensive toys for your cat and he prefers to play with a cardboard box? Let’s help you with this short list of your cat’s possible favorite things.
Your Cat's Nine Favorite Things You Didn't Know

Have you been able to find out what your cat’s favorite things are? Since these felines are intelligent and sensitive creatures, they  usually have a long list of likes and dislikes. Their owners, after long periods of careful observation, may come to unveil some of their eccentricities.

It’s good to keep in mind that what cats find interesting, fun, or exciting  can change over the course of their lives. So your cat may love the feather toy one day, but find it boring the next.

Your job as a tutor is to recognize when your pet’s interests change so you can keep it healthy and happy. While tastes can vary from cat to cat, these tips we’ll list are a great place to start.

1. Push things off tables and watch them break

Does your cat love to knock things off their shelves? It’s very frustrating to give him lots of toys,  only to see him knocking objects off the counter and breaking things on a daily basis. You must surely be asking yourself: why do cats feel the need to do this?

In fact, every time your cat pushes an object until it falls, the consequence is different. Perhaps he finds it amusing to see his belongings bouncing in different directions each time they fall  or breaking into several pieces.

Your Cat's Nine Favorite Things You Didn't Know

2. Get into boxes and jump out of them

Why are some cats obsessed with boxes? These cats are comfort-seeking creatures, and sometimes  being in a tight box can be comfortable for them. Other times, being in a box makes some cats feel safe, as if they are protected on all sides.

The boxes are also fun so they can hide, jump and surprise people and other pets in the house. You might think that cats are secretly amused by the expressions of surprise or terror on our faces or by  their roommates’ reactions when they surprise us. Just as some people like to play pranks, this can be their way of playing with us.

3. Chasing electrical cables

Some cats are fascinated by electrical cables. They can go around the cables, get interested in the tags attached to them, and even grab them and try to chew them up.

Perhaps the cats who do this may have learned that  playing with cables is a good way to get the owner’s attention. It may also be that interacting with these elements is fun because they move in different and unexpected ways, which pique your interest.

4. Rub his head on you

This act is a way for your cat to create a moment of connection with you. And, of course, there is nothing more tender to a human being than when a pet lays its head against yours.

Your cat does this in an attempt to spread facial pheromones and show how much he trusts you. It’s your way of saying goodbye or feeling safe by your side.

5. That you scratch his butt

Has your cat ever walked up to you and turned around showing her tail? The area just above the tail, which we would call the “butt,” is an area where the cat can’t use its paws to scratch itself and sometimes using its tongue to relieve itself isn’t enough.

Some cats have learned to recoil against an overhanging hand when they want to be petted. Cats can demonstrate pleasure by purring, wagging their tail, and sometimes arching against the owner’s hand or foot.

6. Smelling your face, one of your cat’s favorite things

Cats are naturally curious. They love to smell everything, especially the objects of their affection, in this case, their face. There is no transcendental explanation for this, simply through smell they can know and recognize you. If your cat wants to sniff your face, let him do that. It’s positive behavior towards you.

Your Cat's Nine Favorite Things You Didn't Know

7. Knead with paws

Maybe all cats were bakers in a past life. Anyway, it ‘s very common to see them moving as if they were crumpling things. According to experts and without delving into the matter, this behavior means they are happy.

8. Fighting with your feet

That’s the kind of attack you shouldn’t worry about. When your cat tries to fight with its feet, it’s because it wants to play with you.

They are attracted to the movement of their limbs, and that makes them one of your cat’s favorite things. Also, jumping up and attacking them back is another weird thing they love, as for them it’s a lot of fun.

9. Espionage

Espionage is a unique and sometimes disconcerting behavior in which cats excel. If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night and found your cat looking at you, or if you think you’re alone in a room and realize that the ‘scary’ cat is after you, you know that’s true.

They love watching! And they can stare out the window for several hours, watching the comings and goings of others. In fact, cats are known to peek through blinds or curtains to get a better view.

These are just a few of your cat’s favorite things that bring love, humor and charm to your world.

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